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My favorite emojis and their meanings

Emojis are small pictures used on smart phones, tablets and other electronic devices to convey emotion or represent an object or symbol more succinctly than a text statement. Personally, I use emojis to add emotions into my text messages. Generally, unless I am very close to someone to get the tone in his/her message, I find it hard to guess the emotions in the message based on just mere words and without emojis. However, sometimes it’s just so hard to find the words to express how I really feel. So emojis always come true for me. In as much as we have emojis to help express how we feel, most at times we abuse them a lot. In this post I’ll be talking about my favorite emojis and their meanings. I was so amazed by how wrongly I used some of them.

Face with tears of joy

emoji face with tears of joy

” I am laughing so hard that I can hardly keep myself on my chair! something is so incredibly funny that you cry laughing. Not to be confused with Rolling on the floor, laughing. I actually use them interchangeably depending on the intensity of the fun.

Smiley face with an open mouth and cold sweat

smiley face with an open mouth and cold sweat emoji

Speaking of wrongly used emojis! This emoji should be used to show relief that a tight situation went well or was coped with positively. However, I use it when I don’t want to sound too serious and to ease the tension. For example, I might have typed something funny and a little bit annoying ( in a joking way of course) but I don’t actually want you to get annoyed so I use this emoji. Works magic for me.

Smiley face with an open mouth

smiley face with an open mouth

” Is in a positive mood, shows its teeth and laughs cheerfully. Expresses enthusiasm: from a cheerful greeting to boundless joy.” I think I get this right all the time. I often use at the end of a greeting. A simple good morning won’t feel so good unless it’s accompanied by this cute emoji. Without it, to me the greeting just feels so… ‘dry!’

Smiley face with smiling eyes

smiley face with smiling eyes

” Is grinning shyly and embarrassed. The red cheeks are an expression of joy. Represents happiness, contentment, peace of mind and gratitude.” This is so accurate! I use it mostly when I’m blushing . I use it interchangeably with the Smiling face emoji. Can’t really make out the difference between both.

Smiling face with heart eyes

smiley face with heart eyes

” Happily beaming face with heart-shaped eyes. Insanely in love with a person, place or an object.” So, in one word, it expresses… LOVE! If you are someone who loves love like me, tell me how can you resist this emoji? I use it most at times to comment on a lovely picture or to reply to a lovely message. Now this is easily confused with Smiling face with smiling eyes and three hearts. This means you are in love, sitting on cloud number nine ( if you know what I mean)

Face throwing a kiss

face throwing kiss emoji

Ok, now here’s one emoji I’ve used so wrongly. This emoji should be used to express affection or a romantic intent, as an expression of love. It is also a symbol of flirting and showing gratitude. I often misuse it for Kissing face, which is not so much a sign of an intimate kiss but rather a kiss to a friend or relative. ( So next time, before you throw kisses up and down, left and right, be sure that you are kissing the right person oh!)

Winking face

winking face emoji from

” Expression of humor, has been pulling a practical joke, is flirting or has an ulterior motive. The wink weakens the message: do not take it seriously, regard it as humorous.” If I were to translate it in lay man’s language, I’ll say it means something like “you’re my man/ personal person, don’t take it serious”

Relieved face

relieved face emoji from

Means, ” Everything went well! is happy that something unpleasant is over without having caused any harm. Relaxed, thankful and free of worries.” However, to me this emoji also gives a confident, self satisfying look but in a humble way. That kind of “yes I did it’, ‘I’m proud of myself’ look.

Face with hand over the mouth

face with hand over the mouth from

“Expresses shock, surprise, or a sudden perception.” It doesn’t end there, “it is also a typical gesture which shows that the other person is not telling the truth. Thinks he’s been lied to.” Wow, It’s true I use it to express shock and surprise but that second part though???

Person with folded arms

person with folded arms

” Two hands pressed together. Is currently introverted, saying a prayer or hoping for enlightenment. Is also used as a “high five” or to say thank you.” At least, I get this right almost all the time.

In total, there are 3304 emojis in the Unicode Standard as of March 2020. Obviously, they are so many and I can’t begin to list them here in as much as I want to. But I hope that reading this article will stimulate you to find out the meaning of an emoji before using it. Be careful that you aren’t sending the wrong message to the right person or the right message to the wrong person. Hope you enjoyed my favorite emojis and their meanings. You can share with me in the comments section what these emojis mean to you.


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