30 Days Self-confidence Challenge

30 Days Self-confidence Challenge

December is here, the last month of the year! Wow, how time flies. Seriously, new year feels just like yesterday but here we are at the end of the year already. So to finish the year strong, I came up with this 30 Days Self-confidence challenge while setting the pace for 2022.

1) Smile at a stranger

I pray you smile from a place of understanding knowing fully well that smiling is powerful especially when the smiles are really genuine

2) List 5 things you love about yourself

No human being can love you better than you love yourself. Find out those things you love about yourself and build on them. This will boost your self confidence tremendously

3) Dance to your favorite song

If like me, you find it hard having favorites, pick any song you really like and just dance. Also, you don’t need to be a pro dancer. Recording yourself is a plus, so you can always rewatch and relive the moment.

4) Give someone a compliment

That feeling of making someone else smile, simply priceless. A random text or call from you just complimenting a friend, colleague or neighbor about how good they are will be amazing. You can boost your self confidence by boosting that of someone else.

5) Prepare your favorite meal

Be it a salad, cocktail, fries, etc it doesn’t have to be complicated. However if you have enough time and resources whatever your favorite meal is, go for it. You might also want to try a new recipe.

6) Don’t talk negatively about other people for the whole day

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Luke 6:45

You only speak what your heart and mind have harbored for a while. When next a negative thought about someone comes to your mind, replace it immediately with a positive one.

7) Get at least 8 hours of sleep

8) Do something you loved doing as a child

Think about that game you loved so much during childhood…

9) Do a little self care

Try having some ‘you time’ just taking care of yourself. You could do an exercise, get a massage, journal, meditate or just spend time alone with God.

10) Do a social media detox

Taking some time off social media will help you focus on yourself and reconnect with the things that really make you happy.

11) list 3 things you have accomplished

As the year draws to an end, it’s very easy to think about the things you failed to do, but how about you take out time to list the things you’ve accomplished so far? This will definitely boost your self confidence and encourage you not to give up.

12) Say No to something

The strength of your will power is determined by your ability to say NO. You don’t always have to say yes to everything especially if it doesn’t allign with your values, goals and beliefs.

13) Implement a new healthy habit

It has been proven that to develop a new habit, the same thing has to be done consistently for 21 days. So if you start today, by the time the new year begins, it will be part of your lifestyle.

14) Treat yourself out

You don’t always have to wait for someone else to do it and it doesn’t have to be too expensive or extravagant. You could visit a nice garden or your favorite restaurant

15) Practice a power pose

In order to boost and maintain self confidence, you need to have the right posture. There are many power poses, salutation pose, Victory pose and just recently I found out smiling is among too.

16) Do something you’ve never done before

Try a new dish, visit a new place, try a new activity or sport. To begin, start by trying to name one thing you’ve never done then work from there. PS: it should be something good and positive that will make you see life from a new perspective.

17) Put on your favorite outfit

There’s always that one dress that once you put on, you feel different and your self confidence is just on another level. How about you wear it today, and of course take a good picture while at it.

18) Say this affirmation 3 times

« I am beautiful, confident and deserving of the best »

Say it first thing in morning before stepping out, say it at random periods of your day, declare it boldly before going to bed.

19) Try something new with your hair

It doesn’t matter if you already have a particular hairstyle right now. Just try to style it in a new way.

20) Describe something random or weird that brings you joy.

Most at times we have a memory that when we think about, we burst out in laugh. Today, don’t wait for anyone to make you laugh, think about anything weird or random that brings you joy.

21) Buy yourself a gift.

When was the last time you got yourself a gift? Some people will put in so much thought and resources when gifting others but when it comes to themselves, anything goes! It’s December, the last month of the year, try rewarding yourself for the years effort and achievements. It could be anything small but should be meaningful.

22) Stretch

23) Talk to a stranger

I know you probably meet and talk with strangers every day, but today be really intentional about it.

24) Write down 5 things you are grateful for

It doesn’t matter how many times things went wrong throughout the year, there are still many things to be grateful for. Think deeply about the things you are grateful for and write them down. An attitude of gratitude is a great recipe for self confidence.

25) Reach out to an old friend

It’s Christmas Day and many people will be expecting wishes and gifts from family and loved ones. How about you surprise an old friend or someone you haven’t talked to in a long while ?

26) List 3 of your strengths

Maximise your strengths…

27) List 3 weaknesses you will work on next year

Minimise your weaknesses! Don’t be that person who always say ‘ that’s just the way I am’ If you can work on it, please do. In order for you to become the best version of yourself, you need to minimise your weaknesses.

28) Do a complete skin care routine and record.

Do you have a skin care routine? What are the components of your skin care routine?

29) List 3 people in your life you are grateful for

Earlier on, you listed the things you were grateful for but now, list the 3 people in your life right now that you are grateful for. Once you identify them, why not let them know how much you are grateful for them. Remember, your network is your net worth.

30) Name one thing you like about your body or appearance

Here at Beiblackbeauty our vision is that you be comfortable and confident in your own skin. You are beautiful just the way you are.

Congratulations, if you made it to the end of the challenge. I hope you feel good about yourself and your self confidence has increased.

Building confidence

Building confidence

builing confidence

Confidence isn’t working into a room thinking you are better than anyone. It is knowing that you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone. Definitely, it is knowing that you don’t need to compete, you’re neither below or above… That’s building confidence!

In this article, we will be looking into some of the very few ways in which building confidence helps despite the challenges we face.

1) live loved

live loved

It’s very easy to live loved when you actually feel loved. But there are times when you would need to feel loved even when you aren’t receiving any. It may not mean that you aren’t loved, but you might just not feel it. Especially when life hits you hard till you start getting words like, ‘hurt’,’reject’,’left out’ etc I’m sure you wouldn’t want your days to be detected by moods of others. The surest love you would ever get is the love of God. Zephaniah 3:17 says,

The Lord your God is in your midst, a Warrior who saves. He would rejoice over you with joy; He will be quiet in His love (making no mention of your past sins), He would rejoice over you with shouts of joy.

Live with confidence that you are fully loved and you won’t find yourself begging others for craps of love. So when ever you feel low, remember that the Lord is in your midst and He will quiet you with His love.

2) The best will come at the right time

be confident that God will act at the right time

One of the greatest thieves of confidence is unanswered prayer. We pray because we want answers and once those answers don’t come, doubt steps in. We end up not just doubting God but doubting our own selves too. This may sound cliche, but when God moves, it’s always the right time. He’s never late.

How long before the rain stopped did God show up for Noah? He showed up for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego only when they were already in the fire. Jesus didn’t show up for Martha and Mary until Lazarus had been death for 4 days. He might not show up when you want him to, but He’d show up. We can always find ways to relate these stories to our personal lives. Knowing this, will help in building confidence even when we feel like our prayers aren’t being answered.

3) Training


It is often said that “practice makes perfect.” That is because it is in doing a thing over and over that you become a master at it. Training means doing the right thing over and over and over and over until it becomes a habit. It is learning something until you become so good at it that it boost your confidence.

Personally, one reason why I may not want to speak to a crowd might not necessarily be that I’m scared or shy of them. Often times, it is because though I have something to share, I don’t feel prepared to deliver in the right capacity. So you’ll easily get the shakiness in my voice. However, once I know that I am prepared, ah, you’d know.

Train yourself until it becomes an instinctive response to be confident. It’s definitely not a one-day thing, but it’s worth it. Training helps you to be proactive so that when the battle comes, you’d know exactly what to do.

4) Be real

build confidence by being real

In times like this where social media is trending, it is really hard to find people who aren’t faking. Everyone wants to look beautiful on every pic and so would mostly take pics on their best days. Sadly, I think that we have made social media what it is. Anyone who tries to be real will be blamed for playing the victim. Last week I posted the mind of a dark skin girl and many thought I was pathetic meanwhile I was just being real. Being real to yourself, allows you to see the areas where you need help.

You might be doing many things with God in mind but not really spending time getting refilled by God and his abundant love. We say we put God first in our lives, when really the first thing we do in the morning is check WhatsApp messages rather than checking on His Word. Sometimes we say we’re praying about our challenges when in reality we are only worried about them.

Avoid faking, recognize your weakness and bring out the strength within you. Proverbs 31:17 says

She equips herself with strength( spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task) and makes her arms strong.

There’s no way you can be confident when you are living someone else’s life.

There are many other ways to building confidence such as doing what you like, laughing and so on. I can’t exhaust the list but however, we can take the conversation to the comment section below. What do you do to boost your confidence level? (your comment might be exactly what someone needs)

Also please check out these football lessons written by L. Abinui. You would be amazed at how much you can learn about life from the almighty football.


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