Level Up your Feminine Hygiene

Level Up your Feminine Hygiene

How to Level Up your Feminine Hygiene

feminine hygiene

Most women grew up knowing that feminine hygiene simply means bathing regularly and cleaning up well after using the loo! But there’s more to it than that because feminine hygiene involves everything related to womanhood with the aim of maintaining health and preventing diseases through cleanliness.

Read on if you will like to level up your feminine hygiene so as to not only be fresh down there but also clean and healthy every where.

Why is it important to maintain a good feminine hygiene?

  • Boost self confidence and self esteem
  • Better relationship with self and others: No one wants to hang around someone who is always dirty and smells bad.
  • Save money that would have been spent on treating diseases
  • Improve productivity
  • Gain self respect from maintaining a good feminine hygiene

Care of the environment to maintain good feminine hygiene

  1. Tidy room: Make your bed everyday. Change bed sheets as often as possible to prevent skin rash and body odor.
  2. Clean toilet: Ensure the toilet is always clean. Make sure to keep the toilet floor dry especially if you stoop to wash your vulva. Bathing in a dirty toilet increases risk of infection as dirty water can splash into your vulva.
  3. Keep kitchen sink neat.  

Personal Hygiene

Oral hygiene

There’s nothing as awful as speaking with someone who has a bad breathe. Imagine a pretty girl all dressed up, make up on fleek but the moment she says ” hello ” you feel like collapsing! So its important to brush up at least twice a day ensuring that your toothpaste contains fluoride. You can also use a mouth wash within the day just to have a fresh breathe especially if you’ve been silent for a long period of time. The tongue also harbors a lot of bacteria so you need to brush your tongue too. Some tooth brushes have a part designed for the tongue specially. Some people advice that the mouth shouldn’t be rinsed immediately after brushing so as to give time for the toothpaste to act.


Keep your hair clean! Remember, the glory of a woman is in her hair! Wash your hair regularly, not too often though so as to prevent dryness. Wash your hair nets regularly especially the black nets ladies! It doesn’t show dirt but it smells. You wouldn’t like to pass by someone and there’s a stench from your hair.

Nose and ears

Ensure your nostrils are always dry. It’s embarrassing talking to someone and you can see catarrh in the person’s nose. If you have a cold you can either stay at home and keep warm or if you must go out have something handy to clean your nose.

 Interestingly, our ears clean themselves. The wax that comes out of the ear is actually the ear cleaning itself. So you can actually just use a towel to clean the wax that is sticking out, clean the ear lobe and also the back of the ear. Avoid putting sharp objects into your ear.

Toes and nails

Keep your nails short and clean. Long nails can easily harbor dirt so if you have artificial nails make sure to clean them regularly. Wash and dry toes properly. Wet toes in shoes smell. You don’t want to be all dressed up with a stench.


This is one part of the body which can have odor. It’s important to wash the armpit every day. Keeping hair in the armpit is controversial as some people especially those in the fashion world say it is a sign of confidence. But hair in the armpit can easily trap dirt and so it’s safer to shave. You can either wax or use shaving cream or shaving bic whichever works best for you. For some people, shaving bic gives them bumps or dark spots. If you have body odor, you can use lime or lemon to wash armpit when bathing. Also, the use of roll-ons and deodorants is recommended.

General bathing tips

Use a sponge or face towel and scrub your body well. Use good soap when bathing while paying attention to folds especially for thick ladies as dirt can easily hide there like beneath breast. Also clean navel and in between buttocks. Dirt easily hides there. Don’t forget to scrub your back. Some people have acne there due to hormonal changes whereas others is due to the fact that they don’t clean their backs well.

Care of underwears 

Wash your panties and bras regularly. Sadly, most of us women wash our black bras only when it starts smelling. Let’s repent please. You can wear twice then wash but make sure to air it outside even if you are not washing it.

Wash pants regularly. For us ladies, it’s even recommended to change our panties twice a day. Cotton pants are better because they are breathable. Ironing pants can also help kill germs. After washing, dry pants where they won’t easily fall and pick up germs. Avoid using harsh detergents to wash underwears like bleach. Bleach actually stains pants more and increases the elasticity. The safest way to wash pants is to wash in hot water.

Care of the vulva in maintaining good feminine hygiene

feminine hygiene

Let’s go deeper!

Yea, it’s actually care of the vulvar and not vagina. What most people call vagina is actually the vulva. The vagina is actually inside and can’t be seen while the vulva is the external part that contains the inner and outer vaginal lips and the clitoris. Click here to learn more about vulva.

The vagina is auto clean. So you don’t have to use soaps, fragrances or whatever to clean it. You don’t also have to send your hand inside to clean, so no douching. As this causes more harm than good.

To shave vulva hair, you can use a clean scizzors to trim. This is comfortable as it doesn’t leave bumps or irritations but ensure the scizzors is clean and sharp. Don’t trim too much because the hair there prevents bacteria from entering vulva.

Few tips for vulva vare

  • Wash twice daily
  • Sleep without pants ( allow your vulva to breathe. This is the only chance she has to take air!)
  • Wear free cotton pants
  • Avoid tight trousers as it easily traps sweat
  • Avoid using soaps and scented products to clean vulva
  • Clean after toilet from front to back to avoid transferring germs from anus to vagina opening.
  • Whether you pee or poo, you can wash up if you are home while making sure that your hands are clean.
  • If you are the type who discharges everyday, you can use panty liners to avoid smells and stains on your pants.

Vaginal discharges can be normal as well as abnormal. It is important that you take note of when you normally have discharges. Some women have them everyday while others have them at some particular points in their menstrual cycle like during ovulation or after period. Normal discharge is either white or creamy and non offensive. So if you if you notice a discharge out of the norm or associated with other symptoms like itches, please see a doctor.

Hall mark of feminine hygiene- menstrual hygiene!


There are different products we can use during our periods: tampons, sanitary towels, menstrual cups, reusable pads, disposable pads etc with the environmental friendly ones being sanitary towels, menstrual cups or reusable pads. Which ever you use, it is important to change them after 2 to 3 hours. When you see that the color of the blood becomes green or black that’s room for bacterial infection and when you sit down bacteria can easily ascend.

During your period you can use particular pants. Should be a little bit fitting to prevent pad from falling.

To calculate your cycle, count the number of days from the first day you see your menses this month to the first day you see your menses next month. You can do that for about 4 months so as to have an average. Also note that a regular cycle means a cycle of averagely 28 days and length of flow of 3 – 7 days. If your cycle isn’t regular, seek medical attention.

Oouuff! I know, too much information to digest. Let’s round up but before we do some last tips,

  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables for better vaginal health
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Develop a skin care routine 
  • Avoid putting food, unprescribed supplements in your vagina.

Is Skin Bleaching also a way of getting better?

Is Skin Bleaching also a way of getting better?

Is Skin Bleaching also a way of getting better?

During the social media campaign “10 days of body talk“, a lady asked, “is skin bleaching also a way of getting better, just like how fat people do physical exercises to lose weight and get better, why is it so much of a great deal for someone to bleach their skin in order to attain a better complexion?”

Honestly, I was quite impressed with her question because don’t we all just want to get better, grow, develop and be the best versions of ourselves? while she spoke, I kept asking myself these questions…

What is “getting better?”

Really, what is getting better? fair skin or dark skin? who said which was better? Do you really know which is better or are you allowing society and fashion trends decide for you? Using the same example of Sports, there is no best size, rather there is a healthy size. In the same light, there is no best complexion. Beauty, they say lies in the eyes of the beholder, but I hope you never forget that you are a beholder too. Every detail about you including this skin tone is yours to behold; confidently, unapologetically, YOU.

At what cost?

Apart from  low self esteem, the thing with skin bleaching is that it destroys the skin over time. The adverse effects of skin bleaching take a lot of time and resources to be reversed and mind you, some are irreversible. At what length are you willing to go just to “get better” and if you are using something that in a long run damages your skin, then can you really say you are getting better? So to me, when it comes to skin, getting better means loving your skin and giving it the best treatment that will nourish it not ruin it. Yes, you can make your skin glow while maintaining your complexion and  without necessarily bleaching it.

Interview with some contestants of MCC 2019

Interview with some contestants of MCC 2019

The second edition of Miss Christian Cameroon has been launched and registration is ongoing. In case you are having second thoughts about registering please read this interview with some contestants of MCC 2019. I hope they inspire you.

Panka Juniola

Question 1: how was your experience being a contestant in the last edition?

My Experience at MCC 2019 was *Exceptional*. What made it thus was the family spirit and bond that existed between contestants and their patrons. They taught us a lot of things people pay to learn. For instance, how to control a menstrual cycle and maintain a good hygiene ,how to take care of a patient with breathing issues, how to make pastries like cakes, how to handle emotional problems. We had activities like games, questions and answers sessions, catwalking and most especially the All night where they gave us an opportunity to better our lifestyles ,repent and be Spirit-filled.

Question 2: How did being a contestant benefit you (even though you didn’t get the crown)?

Though I didn’t get a crown I must admit I learnt a lot, and my level of Growth has increased. Like I earlier said we carried out several activities that normally should be paid for. They taught us on pastries, health (like what to do when someone drowns or faints) and female Hygienic principles. We also learnt a lot about relationships. For example, How to handle a breakup, How to treat a man/Boyfriend, When to sign out of a relationship, when and whom to date or get married to…

miss honesty

Since then I have become a better public speaker, super bold, not scared of the crowd and I give out what I have to as the Spirit leads. They also taught us on how to become a #MODELPRENEUR. Most importantly, since I participated though I didn’t get a crown, my life has not been the same. I have crushed fear like never before, I know my identity, my purpose activities are progressing. My Spiritual life has so much grown that I can say Heaven is on earth. Our all night encouraged me never to give up on what I wish to acquire and now am doing better exploits. Things are moving so well that i don’t have words to explain.

Question 3

What are some of the things you achieved after MCC 2019, that you believe the contest had a great role to play?

Firstly, I got to network with so many great personalities. Secondly, I’m an emotional counselor. Before I got into the contest I used to handle emotional plights, marriage and couple problems. The Brain behind miss Christian Cameroon which is Miss Christian Africa (Anyakia Florence N.) gave other subtitles to some queens like Miss honesty, Miss prudent, Miss honorable, Miss Diligent, Miss Goodness, Miss Patience and Miss Unity. Fortunately I was granted the title *MISS HONESTY*. This was of great interest as I organised my First Love conference as an emotional counselor on the 03rd January 2020 with title LOVE NIGHT. We had sub topics such as Who to date/marry, When and how to date/Marry. This yielded a lot of profit to youths out there making wrong choices. Thirdly, thanks to the Brain behind Miss Christian Cameroon, I was selected to participate for Miss Gospel Africa 2020 this August

MCC 2019

Chinda Lirine

MCC 2019
Question 1: how was your experience being a contestant in the last edition?

Wow it was indeed an amazing time spent at Miss Christian Cameroon 2019 ( MCC 2019). I really wish we could go back to the three days camping we had before the finale. There, I was empowered spiritually, psychologically, physically, educationally and above all I was sold to the public. Though I didn’t get the crown, I left empowered. I believe so much in what my queen mother MISS Anyiaka Florence Njang always says, “it’s not only about the crown but rather what u have to offer to the public, it’s better to have no crown and be an inspiration to others rather than having a crown and be dormant.” Not getting a crown on the finale didn’t stop me from working cause after the contest my passion to empower mankind increased.

Question 2: How did being a contestant benefit you (even though you didn’t get the crown)?

It was really a great encounter we had with some great men and women of God through their ministration. They taught us on some great women in the Bible and at the end of the lessons we were empowered truly. I felt heaven on Earth. Oh my God! God’s presence filled me that faithful day I couldn’t hold my self.  Rev Njang and Evangelist Abigail Philip, I would forever remember what you did for us during the all night. Since then my spiritual life took another dimension , I can stand and talk about my God with enough momentum cause he is the starter and finisher of my faith

They also gave us other great lessons during the camp apart of the spiritual aspect. Like, how to talk , walk and behave as a queen, baking, catwalking, menstrual hygiene, CPR Etc. A movie director gave us lessons on how to act the various characters involved in a movie. He tested our skills on how to cry , laugh, get angry, gossip. I really miss everything about MCC 2019.
We also had great music sections. I didn’t know I could sing with this type of voice I have. Through MCC 2019 I found my self in that domain and today I’m manifesting the gift in my life as well. We also had great time dancing with our teacher Gospel mannequin. We danced danced danced and danced.

Question 3

What are some of the things you achieved after the contest, that you believe the contest had a great role to play?

Through MCC 2019 I have become a celebrity because everywhere I go now people are like hello girl can I have a picture with you. This is something I dreamt of. That is, becoming a marketing Communicator where people would see me advertising a company product on TV and radio. Little did I know through MCC my dreams would come true. We had great TV interview sessions with hitv Buea, pstv Buea, canal2 English Buea, and crtv yaounde. after this amazing encounter people who neglected me started sending me pictures they took from their TV during the interview session. Miss christain cameroon 2019 made me a celebrity in my early twenties and it a legacy they Left in my life .

Though I didn’t win a crown, I left as queen. MCC 2019 made me a celebrity and above all a modelpreneur . Long live to the MCC family.

My advice to everyone intending to contest for the 2020 edition is, never let anyone discourage you when it comes to what you are passionate about. Whether u win a crown or not, remember God has deposited something great in you which the community awaits your manifestatio. Keep demonstrating love to mankind with or without the crown for the book of 1john 4:8 says he who doesn’t love does not love God for God is love. As of now, I have already been contacted by managers and CEOs. One wants me to be brand ambassador while the other wants me to be advertising manager.

Weber Pivagah Nwana

MISS prudent
Question 1: how was your experience being a contestant in the last edition?

It was a great experience I’ll never forget.
Alot of things made it good. Firstly, meeting my peers from all over Cameroon, learning so many new things, discovering hidden talents in me. Another wonderful experience was how my confidence, boldness, courage was built up during the camping in the competition.

Question 2: How did being a contestant benefit you (even though you didn’t get the crown)?

Oh my I learnt a lot of things, Such as, how to be an entrepreneur, how to be a modelpreneur. How to build up myself in a positive way and build up my spiritual life. Also, they taught us on Female hygiene, acting, singing, dancing and catwalking.

Being a contestant made me realize I’m one step above who I was. I got to meet with so many people, live with miss Christian Africa, meet and talk with motivational speakers, spiritual fathers and mother. I also got to know my purpose and discover the real lady in me….alot Mme..

Question 3

What are some of the things you achieved after the contest, that you believe the contest had a great role to play?

After the contest, I started visiting orphanages, doing evangelism and encouraging other women like me more often. Now, I have a little team which I’m training on modeling.

Related: About Miss Christian Cameroon ( history, vision, mission)

Click here to register ( registration is free!)

Listening to these girls was no sugar coating at all. One can tell from the sincerity in their voice that they were really blessed and their lives have never been the same again. This could be you, all you need do is register!

If you have any questions or worries, please do leave them in the comments section below.


Interview with some contestants of MCC 2019

About Miss Christian Cameroon

miss christian cameroon

Are you a female christian with a strong desire to fully represent the Kingdom of God? contributing to the family, community development and nation building while upholding true christian value? Do you seek a platform to express yourself and possible funding for your attainable projects? Have you heard about Miss Christian Cameroon and your wondering what it is, how and when you can register? I hope this article will give you more insight about this pageant.

According to 123helpme,

‘The purpose of beauty pageants is to find ones personality, their own strengths and weakness as a person, gain confidence and raise their self-esteem, and prove to people that it is not impossible to have beauty and brains.’

At first, I thought pageants were really all about beauty or physical appearance, like who’s fairer, who has nicer teeth or a better body figure. But as I grew up, I began to understand that pageants go beyond beauty, people want to know what a beautiful girl has to offer other than her beauty. In this light, MCC has the following objectives,


  • Promote women to lead purpose
  • Teach the importance of God’s purpose
  • Nurture young girls to be active both in ministry, home and in the community
  • Educate young girls to apply God’s words in their daily activities by the fruits of the Spirit
  • Encourage young girls to study God’s word and rightly dividing the word of truth
  • Encourage young girls to win souls through their service to humanity


Miss Christian Cameroon is an initiative founded by Miss Florence Anyiaka Njang, a Cameroon based model, who emerged as Miss Christian Africa 2018 – 2019. As a result, The Miss Christian Cameroon Pageant is an initiative she conceived after her return from Nigeria.

Few months after her return, Miss Florence Anyiaka Njang decided to bring this initiative to reality; supported by a passionate team. Hence, the first edition of Miss Christian Cameroon came through successfully in 2019.

The Christian pageant which they planned and executed in a short time (two months) recorded great achievements and impact on the contestants and the church as well; despite the many challenges they encountered.

last year’s participants have done so many community projects so far and pictures and videos of these projects can be found on their Facebook pageMissChristianCameroon


Miss Christian Cameroon, is a pageant aimed at restoring women’s kingdom identity and equipping them to better create a positive impact in the church, the community and every sphere of influence.


  • Inner healing and restoration to ‘Sonship’
  • Resourceful tools to develop positive character traits.
  • Entrepreneurial talks on skills development and management. 
  • Biblical Fundamentals on Kingdom identity.
  • Biblical Fundamentals on purpose and destiny.
  • Possible funding for their attainable projects.
  • Biblical Fundamentals on how to extend the government of Jesus Christ over the seven spheres of influence.
  • A platform to express themselves.
miss christian Cameroon 2020

Before we conclude with this article, I’m sure you’ll love to hear from some of the contestants of the last edition. Fortunately, we got to some of them and here’s what they had to say. click here

Interview with contestants of last edition

The 2020 edition has already been launched and registration is ongoing.

click here to register! (registration is free)

If you know someone who will be interested, please please please share this, it’s a life changing opportunity. Winning this project might just be what she needs to get to the next level.

Related celebrating black women

Celebrating black women

Celebrating black women

If you’ve been following this blog, you’ll know that we are about celebrating black women of every shade. Be it dark, brown or fair, there’s beauty in every shade. In honor of black history month which was in February and women’s month in March, we decided to treat a few black women to a photoshoot session. In return, these black women shared their stories with us.

Etakah Edia

Blacky… Black……Girl go black sooooo…..Just a few of the names that people added to my birth certificate when we crossed paths. According to them my skin color was so dark that’s why they gave me such nicknames.  In the early years of my growth, it made me feel so bad. I felt sometimes as if I was ugly because I had such a skin tone. It made me think a few times of remedies to reduce the dark color…lol.But growing up, I have learnt to appreciate this melanin popping skin of mine. I will definitely choose this skin color over and over again. Funny thing is even people who were actually a lot darker will bleach their skin and then be the first to talk to you of how dark you are. African woman, wear your skin with pride and confidence, there is no better color than what you have. It’s your uniqueness, it’s your originality. It makes you phenomenal. 

Elvuchio Ankinimbom

My name is Elvuchio Ankinimbom and I am proudly the darkest in my family. Growing up black was never an easy thing for me because everyone will bee like “the dark girl” even family used to say that. I am not a fan of black dresses because I was always hear statements like you are dark and wear black dresses?? As if it was a taboo. I’m thankful to the few people who always said don’t you ever change your colour. It’s the best and money can’t buy. With these I grew to be proud of my colour and even now it’s my identity


I have always grown with the mindset that, being right is about how much walls we can put up and how much our strength can carry us. As I journeyed, life has become a whole lesson on its own. My walls have been broken, I’ve fallen and failed only to realize that, it was never and will never really be about how much of my ability to fight. The grace and mercy of God is what keeps us and can keep us on every step of the way. Same goes for our skin, it’s in us, that we are black  is a special gift. No matter how much we might ever want to change to be who we are not, we just can’t. First cuz we don’t have what it takes to change it and second because even we succeed it’s only a physical change, we can’t change it from inside. You can’t turn off the light that shines from the inside. So why not just shine on in the true beautiful black that you are and was made to be. See eh, the joy of your person, doesn’t  come from anything else but from the Lord and the inside of you.

Tchiazah Ayaba

Black/Dark -skinned in a nutshell means having skin rich in melanin.But hey!? It goes beyond that.Black in itself is a color associated with power??, authority??, strength ??‍♀️ and elegance??‍?.All these qualities and many more is encoded in this beautiful ?? skin of ours. Yes, it is true and perhaps understandable how the society can influence our mindset on black – skinned. That is why the value of this color needs to be understood ? from within?‍♀️, so that no external force will mislead us.So I dare? you to drop the zero (shame) and pick up the hero (boldness). Stand for who you are?‍?‍?‍??‍?‍?‍?.OH! My beautiful ? melanin skin that sparkles ✨✨ when the sunlight shines on it .I bet u…it is beautiful to have ?.

Kelly Divine

Yes am black?. I remember when I was growing up anywhere I went to there was someone to complement my color. But the truth is, deep within I was not okay with me. I admired my mates who were fair.  I used to apply lotions such like rapid Clair, carro light to reduce the darkness.  But nothing was changing. Then I realized am me. That’s my beauty and uniqueness. Even if I change the color the Melanie will still be inside. I Came to accept the ME and loved the ME. At times people’s comments are not really enough, you will need to discover the YOU and learn to appreciate what you are. You don’t need to bleach to look beautiful. Look at me, this is beauty.  Black is the mother of all colors. You can count on us anytime we will be there to assist. This is me Kelly Divine. What is your own story? God bless miss mokom Sandra for this platform to help the black women out there to be confidential of who they are. 

Fongang Vianney

As a kid, I grew up in a community where all those around me were of dark skin.So I used to feel I am abnormal just because I have a light skin.For this reason, I was called names like Yellow sisi, albino, European and the list goes onn.At one point as a teenager, I used to think of things like if only I can get a body lotion that will darken my skin then I will be free from all these names but as time went onn, I rather noticed some dark skin people instead wanted to be of light skin so they go about creaming their bodies just because they think they will be more beautiful and attractive in the fair complexion.Then I began loving and cherishing my skin color.The lesson I learnt from this was that we are all Africans, we are all blacks and beautiful in our different shades.I must confess this platform Beiblackbeauty has thought me how to appreciate beauty in every shade the more.

Thanks for reading through. Do feel free to share your own story with us in the comment section below.

Speaking of black women, have you checked out these poems about black women? You should oo

Quotes that will make you feel more beautiful

Quotes that will make you feel more beautiful


Salma Hayek

People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing you are the beholder. 

Maria Mitchell

There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness. 

Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. 

Tyra Banks


Girls of all kinds can be beautiful – from the thin, plus-sized, short, very tall, ebony to porcelain-skinned; the quirky, clumsy, shy, outgoing and all in between. It’s not easy though because many people still put beauty into a confining, narrow box…Think outside of the box…Pledge that you will look in the mirror and find the unique beauty in you.

Eckhart Tolle

You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!

George Bernard Shaw

The only person who acts sensibly is my tailor. He takes my measure anew every time he sees me. Everyone else goes by their old measurements.

Geneen Roth

You are not a mistake. You are not a problem to be solved. But you won’t discover this until you are willing to stop banging your head against the wall of shaming and caging and fearing yourself. 

Francis Bacon

The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express. 

Scott Westerfeld

Nature didn’t need an operation to be beautiful. It just was. 


I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful. 



I wrote “Bootylicious” because, at the time, I’d gained some weight and the pressure that people put you under, the pressure to be thin, is unbelievable. I was just 18 and you shouldn’t be thinking about that.You should be thinking about building up your character and having fun, and the song was just telling everyone to forget what people are saying, you’re bootylicious. That’s all. It’s a celebration of curves and a celebration of women’s bodies. 

Cheri K. Erdman

Healthy emotions come in all sizes. Healthy minds come in all sizes. And healthy bodies come in all sizes. 

Drew Barrymore

God made a very obvious choice when he made me voluptuous; why would I go against what he decided for me? My limbs work, so I’m not going to complain about the way my body is shaped. 

Garrison Keillor

Beauty isn’t worth thinking about; what’s important is your mind. You don’t want a fifty-dollar haircut on a fifty-cent head.

Steve Maraboli

It’s true, the scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That’s it. It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength, or love. Don’t give the scale more power than it has earned. Take note of the number, then get off the scale and live your life. You are beautiful!

Rosalind Russell

Taking joy in living is a woman’s best cosmetic. 

Aimee Mullins

Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have. It’s much sexier than any body part.

 Alan Cohen

To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don’t wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now. 

Gabourey Sidibe

One day I had to sit down with myself and decide that I loved myself no matter what my body looked like and what other people thought about my body. I got tired of hating myself. 

Steve Maraboli

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. 

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. 

Henri Matisse

There are flowers everywhere, for those who bother to look. 

Queen Latifah

I had to grow to love my body. I did not have a good self-image at first. Finally it occurred to me, I’m either going to love me or hate me. And I chose to love myself. Then everything kind of sprung from there. Things that I thought weren’t attractive became sexy. Confidence makes you sexy.

Golda Poretsky

Body acceptance means, as much as possible, approving of and loving your body, despite its “imperfections”, real or perceived. That means accepting that your body is fatter than some others, or thinner than some others, that your eyes are a little crooked, that you have a disability that makes walking difficult, that you have health concerns that you have to deal with — but that all of that doesn’t mean that you need to be ashamed of your body or try to change it. Body acceptance allows for the fact that there is a diversity of bodies in the world, and that there’s no wrong way to have one. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

You can find more quotes here

Get more black beauty quotes here


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